April 22, 2013

It's Earth Day!

Yaaaaaaaaaayyyy it's Earth Day! I love this holiday so much! A) because you respect the Earth, and B) because nobody rememers it so a lot of people go to sleep a ton more green than when they woke up because sombody told them it was Earth Day. Today I didn't throw anything away, and I came to some pretty close calls though. At breakfast I almost used a paper napkin instead of a cloth one and I FREAKED OUT! And at Panera I had to recycle something that couldn't be recycled. Whoops. So after my mom and I went to Panera (wow that is hard to spell), We went to her Dad's house, and my Grandpa was so nice (I know you're reading this so hi Pop-Pop!) he gave me this super cool poster that says Little Instructions For Life on it (and some Rollos). The poster was so creative and inspiring! It read these cute little things like Sing in the shower, Feed a stranger's empty parking meter, Plant a tree on your birthday, and one of my favorites was that you should buy whatever kids are selling in their front yard. (: I would write more, but it's 9:30, so I'm gonna go to bed.

Plant A Tree On Earth Day,
A Girl And Her Faithful Blog

April 16, 2013

The Beauty Of Rain

Have you ever loved rain? I have. Actually, I always love rain. Rain cools you off, gives moisture to plants and amphibians (frogs), wipes away droughts, gives you a chance to live a certain quote... the list can go on and on and on. Anyway, it was storming out this afternoon, and I had to go inside because the wind was sweeping me off my feet (I love using that term) so I was thinking that it would be cool to not let you peeps down and do a bit of blogging. (: See, I do care. Here are some cool quotes that I love:

TTYL (Type To You Later),
A Girl And Her Faithful Blog

April 11, 2013

Wow, I Am TERRIBLE At Posting Regularly

So here I am... Your favorite inconsistent blogger! Today, (Yes I know this is a week late) I want to talk to you about Last Wednesday when I honored all of the Nerds in the world. What I did was wore a rainbow sweater with a turtleneck tucked into high-waisted jeans, a skirt over the jeans, long socks, a crazy hat, and thick glasses. I did homework on spring break and did math problems just for fun. I think that I might be a Nerd when I am in Junior High and High School.... Then Again, maybe not. (: Anyway, I'm kind of mad at myself for not taking a Full-Sized picture of me when I did this. I drew it, but it's not the same.
^Drawing Where I just now realized I forgot The Socks

Luv Ya Bunches,
A Girl And Her Faithful Blog

April 1, 2013

April Fools! I'm Alive!

Before you start going crazy about how I haven't posted (That's my friend Izzy <3 ya!), I would like to tell you that I have not forgot about you guys, I have been super busy. I actually am kind of mad at myself about this because I had so much stuff to tell you. ): Like a lockdown about a simple fist fight two miles away from our school (not that I wasn't having a panic attack though). Or a super cute doodle that is now lost. Or a super cute Chinese restaurant called Doodles. Or Good Friday prayers. Or Easter for goodness sakes! Oh Yeah, and I almost forgot, The Winner of the Boy Dog Name Competition is....................................................................................................................................................


Isn't that so cute??? I have a Bumble and/or a Tink!! That is if I want to anyway.... BUT I WILL!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! *Group Hug Attack!* And ummm also I'm going to put up a poll on what topic you want me to write about from above. JUST KIDDING! These polls are a LOT of work. I'll just post about all of them. (:

Luv Ya Bunches (READ THIS BOOK),
A Girl And Her Faithful Blog

P.S. This Post: Dedicated to Izzy.

P.P.S. I just realized that I have eight posts in every month of my blog, so it's kinda a good thing I didn't post, right?! (:

March 17, 2013

Be Grateful Today

My mum showed me this story on the way to church this morning, and it completely changed how I look at the world. 


This is one of the nicest
e-mails I have ever seen :
I dreamt that I went to Heaven and an angel was showing me around.
We walked side-by-side inside a large workroom filled with angels. My
angel guide stopped in front of the first section and said,'This is the
Receiving Section. Here, all petitions to God said in prayer are
I looked around in this area, and it was terribly busy with so many
angels sorting out petitions written on voluminous paper sheet sand
scraps from people all over the world.

Then we moved on down a long corridor until we reached the second

The angel then said to me, "This is the Packaging and Delivery
Section.Here, the graces and blessings the people asked for are
processed and delivered  to the living persons who asked for them." I
noticed again how busy it was there. There were many angels working hard
at that station, since so many blessings had been requested and were
being packaged for delivery to Earth. Finally at the farthest end of the
long corridor we stopped at the door of a very small station. To my
great surprise, only one angel was seated there, idly doing nothing.
"This is the Acknowledgment Section, my angel friend quietly admitted to
me. He seemed embarrassed.
"How is it that there is no work going on here? I asked."

"So sad," the angel sighed. "After people receive the blessings that
they asked for, very few send back acknowledgment"

"How does one acknowledge God's blessings? "I asked.

"Simple," the angel answered. Just say, "Thank you, Lord."

"What blessings should they acknowledge?" I asked.

"If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a
roof overhead and a place to sleep you are richer than 75% of this world.
If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a
dish, you are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy, and if you get
this on your own computer, you are part of the 1% in the world who has
that opportunity."

"If you woke up this morning with more health than illness.. You
are more blessed than the many who will not even survive this day."

"If you have never experienced the fear in battle, the loneliness of
imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation...
You are ahead of 700 million people in the world."

"If you can attend a church without the fear of harassment,
arrest,torture or death you are envied by, and more blessed than, three
billion people in the world."

"If your parents are still alive and still married.... you are
very rare."

"If you can hold your head up and smile, you are not the norm,
you're unique to all those in doubt and despair......."

"Ok," I said. "What now? How can I start?"
The Angel said, "If you can read this message, you just received
a double blessing in that someone was thinking of you as very special
and you are more blessed than over two billion people in the world who
cannot read at all."

Have a good day, count your blessings, and if you care to, pass this
along to remind everyone else how blessed we all are..........

If you have read this far, and are thankful for all that you have
been  blessed with, how can you not send it on?
I thank God for everything, especially all my family and friends.

Just be yourself!
(Everyone else is taken) 

Do you see what I mean? Thank you, Lord. And thanks for showing me this, Mum!

Be Yourself,
A Girl And Her Faithful Blog


So you'r probably wondering why I didn't post any Harry Styles videos OR Littlest Pet Shop stories, but I will clear all that up for you RIGHT NOW. The reason behind the Harry videos is that instead of my blog we posted on My Musings instead, and for the LPSs'... weeeeeeelllllll, we never got far enough into the story because I kept making them kill one another and\or losing interest two minutes in. When I finally vowed that I would play a real game and really be in to it, we only got two minutes in! I guess that's gonna be typical for us. But anyway, TODAY'S ST PATRICK'S DAY and that's one of my fav days because I love all the green and St. Patrick is one of my fav saints, too. I dressed up kind of today. ☺

St Patty's Day Randomness

I'm Warty Mc Fearsome, who're you?

Kiss me, I'm Irish (not)!

Cute Google theme for St. Patrick

Luv Ya,
A Girl And Her Faithful Blog

P.S. I had another friend who I wanted to invite over who I couldn't who is probably reading this. I'm really sorry *Unknown Name Beginning with "C"*! PLEASE don't take this personally!

March 16, 2013

Hannah M's Over!

Dear Reader,

I am over at A Girl And Her Faithful Blog's (my) house we had a sleepover this is short but there will be more posts full of awesome insulting videos of "Harry Styles" (me) and littlest pet shoppe stories. SO CUTE!! I REALLY don't like harry styles. He's a nothing to her so NO caps.

P.S. when I write it will be in pink()^&*(^&*9- fuchsia and when I write it will be in PURPLE!

A Girl And Her Faithful Blog

March 13, 2013

Dictionaries- Extreme Awesomeness

If you ever see one of those big, fat dictionaries that are like Collegiate Eleventh Edition or something, DO NOT WALK RIGHT BY IT!! They are so fun it's unbelievable. today one of my best friends and I were looking in them for our reading (I know, great choice), and you would not believe how many words are there! Just please stay away from the small sections where they wrote the prefix se- with an "x" at the end. That part is not filled with extreme awesomeness! Nooooo. There are a bunch of way awesomer things that you CAN look up though. Like an Asian hat that's name starts with a "z" but I can't remember the whole thing. "Chair" has a surprisingly SUPER long definition!! I was getting more and more hyper as the book went on. And then... I LOOKED UP HYPER!! Hee hee heeee. Anyway, do your part and read a big fat dictionary today!

*Huge Thumbs-Up*,
A Girl And Her Faithful Blog

March 12, 2013

Sorry This Is Late... but DOG WINNERS!

Yeah, I know this is late and the boys still have a tie, but THE FEMALE DOG WINNER IS...............


I am so excited that this name got picked (even though I like them all) because I love fairies and Tinkerbell, even though Tinkerbell isn't the real version of a fairy, but it is still so awesome that you guys picked this!! I am going to put up only the three-wayers for the boys and hopefully they will bring home a winner  THIS time! ☺

Luv Ya,
A Girl And Her Faithful Blog

March 10, 2013

Quotes and Finals

So I have some... news for you today. I don't want to upset you even though you might not even care about it anyway. Our basketball team got to the finals of our basketball team, and then we lost. The awful part about it is that I shot with like two seconds left on the clock, I obviously got fouled, and the clock went off. Just. Great. The refs were sleeping because they had no faith in us. Final Score: Mercy Montessori: 14 Summit: 16. If I had gotten my two free throws at lest we could've gotten into overtime. Uggghggh. It gets worse. When we shook hands at the end I brought myself to smile and they were just like "Shut Up!". I know, right?! Grrrr. Inspirational cool quotes are the way to go right now!

A Girl And Her Faithful Blog

March 6, 2013


OMG IT'S A SNOW DAY!!!!!!! I AM SO EXCITED RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!  WHEEEEEEEE!!! NO SCHOOL!! Oh, now you're probably looking at me all weird like, excuse me but has this girl ever had a snow day in her LIFE?? Well, yes, but I haven't had one in two years. All I've had is a sewer day where the sewer exploded (kinda) near our school so they took a day fixing it and clearing it up, an then three weeks ago we had just a two hour delay! So I really was VERY excited especially because I had done a ton of things to make it a snow day, flushed ice cubes down the toilet, wore pajamas inside out and backwards, and put up my hair in some extravagant way of sorts. It finally paid off!! So, I just got back from sledding with my friends, and it's almost five. We went out at ten, came in for hot cocoa at noon, and then hung out until now!! SO much better than being in school all day. Wow. I SO hope it snows again for us!

Snow, Snow, Snow,
A Girl And Her Faithful Blog

March 3, 2013

Polls, Runners & Ringtones, Oh My!

*Sarcastic voice* OH MY! SO OVERWHELMING! Actually I just have a lot of things to talk about here on my faithful blog. First off, the Puppy Name Poll!! I have looked over the results of the the poll, and   I have concluded to a result... I NEED MORE PEOPLE TO VOTE!! There was a two-way tie with the boys, and a five-way tie with the girls. If you are reading this go down to the bottom of the blog and VOTE!! Sorry about that... let's talk about runners! That's a good idea, isn't it? Runners are strong, fit, amazingly awesome *flips hair*... and crazy. I mean, with ME for example, noooo problem figuring that out if you take the time to hang out with me that is.... but with the Runner Runners (what I call people who jog outside for 26.2 miles whether it is 90 or negative 90 degrees out. These people need to install a weather app in their phones ASAP (I'm not talking to you Dad... you're the only Runner Runner who actually does that...) Finally... Ringtones! I had a crazy thought that if your phone went off in the vows of a wedding, and your ringtone is We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together (which I am listening to right now and trying to not type the words to it because I know them all). That would be so crazy because, well, you shouldn't have your phone on at a wedding, but also because the bride would start screaming at you, and the groom would be like "Did she mean for this to happen? Does she love me?" ☹ Well that's all I have to say (a lot) and  remember to VOTE on the Puppy Name Poll!!

Bye Reader!
A Girl And Her Faithful Blog

February 26, 2013

Rawr! That Means I Love You In Dinosaur!

This might be true... I don't know. It was super cute and sweet! There is also another thingy that is like this except is says "Grr!  That means I love you in grizzly bear!" So not as cute and sweet. I might make one that has a backwards "R" on it. Don't judge me on "Ohhh she's one of those dorks who think backwards letters are cute. Better stop reading this blog..." DON'T!  STOP IT! THIS BLOG MAY BECOME POPULAR!! (unlikely, but still). Though I am a pretty big dork, I only think that backwards letters look cute on rawr.  Don't forget to vote on puppy names (see post below)!

A Girl And Her Faithful Blog

February 24, 2013

Top Dog Names (If I get one...)

I was daydreaming about if I had a dog, and I figured almost everything out about what my perfect dog would be like, from where he/she likes to sleep, to what it does on Sunday.... Except for its name. So I am making a list for 10 Boys' names, and 10 Girls' names. Once this post is done, I'll create a poll on which is the best name, and a week later... voila! A winner!!
Boys                        Girls 

  • Bruno                      Rocky
  • Ace                         Amber
  • Lucky                      Ginger
  • Bumble                    Izzy
  •  Bean                       Tink
  • Ozzie                        Stella
  • Asher                       Coco
  • Reggie                     Layla
  • Leo                          Lexie
  • Bentley                    Pebble 
Sorry that the girls' names weren't even, I tried... Just as a note, these are NOT listed in order, or else I wouldn't need a poll. You probably weren't thinking that anyway...
See Ya,
A Girl And Her Faithful Blog

February 23, 2013

Super-Awesome Quotes

OK, I am obsessed with quotes, so I go this app last night that was actually called Quotes, and it's filled with all kinds of quotes with all kinds of topics. I was looking it literally ALL morning! ☺ Here's some of my favorites so far:

Some of these aren't quotes, I know, but the penguin is so cute!! There were two more that I wanted to post, but I needed a plug-in. Blahh. Have a great weekend!!
A Girl And Her Faithful Blog 

February 20, 2013

Here I Am Again...

My other post ended so shortly because a teacher told me "NO BLOGGING!!" in a nicer voice that you just imagined but still. I just want to show you some awesome blog links so.... here:
Rawr! I'm An Awesome Dinosaur!

I'm not very adventurous with the internet, so I don't really look around for blogs... this is so short that I am going to post Magical Pictures according to Google.

Actually I think that one of these pics is magical... the unicorn!! I totally believe in unicorns and fairies and dwarves and all of those creatures. A ton of people I know don't because they can't see them. Who cares? They're still there!! ☺

I believe,
A Girl And Her Faithful Blog

I Could Be Doing 10 Million More Productive Things Right Now...

So I am indoors for recess right now because our teachers don't let us go outside when it's less than 20 degrees. ☹ I so want to be outside today because, well I want to be outside everyday. I go running around and yelling wheeeeee, making people stare. It's fun. Try it sometime. Anyway I am so bored and that is why I am rambling on and on while some boys weirder than me are thinking that they're cool while playing the Doodlebobs on Grooveshark. And now they're doing Gangnam Style. Ughhhhh. This is so crazy. I can't believe the teachers let them do this but they don't let us go outside. At least free the sane people from their misery. I think I'm just going to find a corner and draw.

Hope At Least You're Surrounded By Sane People,
A Girl And Her Faithful Blog

February 15, 2013

So So SO Sorry!

I have so much stuff to tell you so I'm just going to make a little list here...

  • Like I said in my title, I am extremely sorry that I haven't been on in so long. I even missed Valentine's Day, one of my most favorite holidays in the WORLD! That proves how bad I am. ☹
  • Happy Valentine's Day!!! For Valentines Day I gave my dad this super awesome card that had designs on it like a picture of two pairs of hands making hearts, swirls, and that professional scribble thing. Anyway it was cool. I had a super cool Valentine's Day and I hope that you did too and ate lots of candy. ☺
  • A shocking true story: My friend (whom I shall call The Art) told me at lunch that since the U.S. is in so much debt to China and other places that we can't pay, Obama said that instead of money, he might pay them off by giving them all of our natural parks! I felt like crying! The Art actually did cry when her mum told her this.  I am so worried, that I am going to write a letter to our President to tell him that there must be a better way to pay off this debt.
  • On a happier note, here's an awesome quote I found:

This is so true for me, it's just fate, I guess.
A Girl And Her Faithful Blog

February 6, 2013

Alan Alan Alan

This video is so hilarious!!
OK, you've watched it now... and you LOVED it! That is so funny, same with me!  My fav animal from here is the chipmunk going all mumbly-jumbly.  Comment me on what your fav animal is!

A Girl and Her Faithful Blog

February 3, 2013

A Wonderful Post

I'm so, so sorry that I haven't been on in three whole days (!!). At least it was for a great reason, because that would have been absurdity if not. ... Oh, you want to know the reason. Me and my family went on a brilliant ski trip this weekend, and our cute little cottage didn't have any wi-fi in it. It didn't really matter because we were skiing the whole time (!).  It was so much fun skiing with my family, because even though it was 10 degrees out, the snow was really soft, powdery, and perfect.  It was definitely one of the most fun trips I have ever been on (but SO not beating the Grand Canyon).

And tonight, the SuperBowl! Actually good commercials!! And an excuse to watch T.V. and stay up until midnight on Sunday! Plus snacks.

A Girl and Her Faithful Blog

January 30, 2013

Thank You Readers!!

Omigosh, readers, thank you so much for getting me up to 500 views of my blog!!  This means a ton to me and my faithful blog!! We love looking on here as much as you (hopefully) do! I hope you love giraffes as much as I do, because this is a girrafey kind of blog post. ☺

Love Ya,
A Girl and Her Faithful Blog

January 27, 2013

3rd Post In a Day!!

Wow, I am obsessed with this blog so much.  I don't even need any inspiration to write anymore.  My days of pleas for help are over. Fading away.  Like the sugar in my tea today.
OMG!! Best. Tea. Ever!!  I am so excited to share my "top secret" "recipe".  You'll see shortly why recipe is put in quotation marks.

My "Recipe" for Cinnamon Tea
  • One serving of Awakenings Cinnamon Tea (hence "recipe")
  • One packet of Sugar In the Raw sugar
  • About two squirts of any kind of honey
  • A pouring of Half & Half cream/milk
  • A pinch of powdered chocolate....
And voila!! Best tea ever!! Next time you are at Awakenings, you HAVE to try this!!

A Girl and Her Faithful Blog

Still Blowing

Guess what? I found inspiration thanks to my friend who commented on the post below!! Even though I didn't write about anything she said to. Oh well...

Here's a very inspiring story about life:

When I was dancing around in my (very messy) room crazily, I stepped on an old noise blower from New Year's. I picked it up, and gave it a little blow. It still made as much noise as it always had, going insane, just as it had in the first few minutes of 2013.

The noisemaker reminded me of life, as it is sometimes stepped on and mangled, but if you want to, you can make it blow with joy. Isn't that awesome?!  I should totally be a quote-writer! ☺ Just kidding.

Thank you so much readers,
A Girl and Her Faithful Blog


I have been posting on my blog every single day that it has existed, and each and every one of those days I have had at least SOMETHING to write about (even penguins wearing sweaters)... until today. This is boring, very boring when a blogger has nothing to do on her blog but insert gadgets where you feed fishies. I'm obsessed and hopeless, my dear reader.

PLEASE comment me if you have inspiration, I PROMISE I'll post about it sometime, even if it's not today.

Needing Inspiration,
A Girl and Her Faithful Blog

January 26, 2013

SPCA Donations!!

For my birthday, I raised 200 dollars (!!!!) to donate to the SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), and today I gave it to the little shelter on North Side!!  It felt SO wonderful, because my mum and I got to actually see a bunch of the animals that I was helping.  There was this one adorable sweetie who was the only dog that wasn't barking in the kennel.  We took a picture of me next to him, and it would of deserved to be in my Cuteness page...... If I had looked cute in the picture!! :(  But there is a pic of me with my receipt in front of the donation doghouse (I am not kidding, it is actually a doghouse where you stick your donations in through a slot).....

A Girl and Her Faithful Blog

January 25, 2013

Penguins Wearing Sweaters!!


OMG!!! This is SO ADORABLE!!!!!
But don't you think it's weird that only the penguins know it's cold outside? I myself even wore a t-shirt today despite that it was only six degrees. Us humans, we're getting sloppy.....

A Girl and Her Faithful Blog

January 24, 2013

Brilliant Quote

"By perseverance, the snail reached the ark"
                                                     -Charles Spurgeon

I love this quote so, so much!!!  If you persevere at something you will totally gain something from it. Remember that throughout your life, and I promise you will be persevering so much that you will have everything you could possibly dream of.  'Nuf said. :)

A Girl and Her Faithful Blog

January 23, 2013

My First Post!!

So, this is My First Post (well duh it is), and I want to thank all of you while I tell you why my blog is named the way it is (I'm going to multitask, so be prepared for some serious "whoops" here and there)...

     Thank you, thank you very much everyone, thank you very much, you see, how my blog came to be is that for quite, quite a while I have been asking for a dog.
     But alas, my mum is highly allergic, and my father just doesn't want a dog in the house. Yes, I have done everything from researching how to take extremely good care of him/her to writing stories about me and my faithful dog. But in the end, I had to settle for a faithful blog instead.
     Yes, all my gratitude goes out to all of my readers, thank you very much indeed.

SEE I TOLD you I was a terrible multitasker!! Mwah!!

A Girl and Her Faithful Blog