April 22, 2013

It's Earth Day!

Yaaaaaaaaaayyyy it's Earth Day! I love this holiday so much! A) because you respect the Earth, and B) because nobody rememers it so a lot of people go to sleep a ton more green than when they woke up because sombody told them it was Earth Day. Today I didn't throw anything away, and I came to some pretty close calls though. At breakfast I almost used a paper napkin instead of a cloth one and I FREAKED OUT! And at Panera I had to recycle something that couldn't be recycled. Whoops. So after my mom and I went to Panera (wow that is hard to spell), We went to her Dad's house, and my Grandpa was so nice (I know you're reading this so hi Pop-Pop!) he gave me this super cool poster that says Little Instructions For Life on it (and some Rollos). The poster was so creative and inspiring! It read these cute little things like Sing in the shower, Feed a stranger's empty parking meter, Plant a tree on your birthday, and one of my favorites was that you should buy whatever kids are selling in their front yard. (: I would write more, but it's 9:30, so I'm gonna go to bed.

Plant A Tree On Earth Day,
A Girl And Her Faithful Blog

April 16, 2013

The Beauty Of Rain

Have you ever loved rain? I have. Actually, I always love rain. Rain cools you off, gives moisture to plants and amphibians (frogs), wipes away droughts, gives you a chance to live a certain quote... the list can go on and on and on. Anyway, it was storming out this afternoon, and I had to go inside because the wind was sweeping me off my feet (I love using that term) so I was thinking that it would be cool to not let you peeps down and do a bit of blogging. (: See, I do care. Here are some cool quotes that I love:

TTYL (Type To You Later),
A Girl And Her Faithful Blog

April 11, 2013

Wow, I Am TERRIBLE At Posting Regularly

So here I am... Your favorite inconsistent blogger! Today, (Yes I know this is a week late) I want to talk to you about Last Wednesday when I honored all of the Nerds in the world. What I did was wore a rainbow sweater with a turtleneck tucked into high-waisted jeans, a skirt over the jeans, long socks, a crazy hat, and thick glasses. I did homework on spring break and did math problems just for fun. I think that I might be a Nerd when I am in Junior High and High School.... Then Again, maybe not. (: Anyway, I'm kind of mad at myself for not taking a Full-Sized picture of me when I did this. I drew it, but it's not the same.
^Drawing Where I just now realized I forgot The Socks

Luv Ya Bunches,
A Girl And Her Faithful Blog

April 1, 2013

April Fools! I'm Alive!

Before you start going crazy about how I haven't posted (That's my friend Izzy <3 ya!), I would like to tell you that I have not forgot about you guys, I have been super busy. I actually am kind of mad at myself about this because I had so much stuff to tell you. ): Like a lockdown about a simple fist fight two miles away from our school (not that I wasn't having a panic attack though). Or a super cute doodle that is now lost. Or a super cute Chinese restaurant called Doodles. Or Good Friday prayers. Or Easter for goodness sakes! Oh Yeah, and I almost forgot, The Winner of the Boy Dog Name Competition is....................................................................................................................................................


Isn't that so cute??? I have a Bumble and/or a Tink!! That is if I want to anyway.... BUT I WILL!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! *Group Hug Attack!* And ummm also I'm going to put up a poll on what topic you want me to write about from above. JUST KIDDING! These polls are a LOT of work. I'll just post about all of them. (:

Luv Ya Bunches (READ THIS BOOK),
A Girl And Her Faithful Blog

P.S. This Post: Dedicated to Izzy.

P.P.S. I just realized that I have eight posts in every month of my blog, so it's kinda a good thing I didn't post, right?! (: